Nicole Guido | Prospire

Nicole Guido | Head Recruiting, Talent & Culture

Nicole Guido is the talent scout and guardian of the company culture at Prospire. With her extensive experience in recruiting, she selects those candidates who are willing to "go the extra mile" for the client, the team and the company. Her claim is holistic: During the conversation she strives to "read" the person.

"You can ignite in other's only the fire that burns in yourself" (Augustine, bishop and Doctor of the Church in the 4th/5th century)

For this, she doesn't need the usual recruiting software: she gets a comprehensive picture through face-to-face personal conversations. Functional skills are a basic prerequisite for an applicant, but motivation, development potential and personality are at least as important: What drives the future consultant at Prospire, where do they want to achieve, what are they passionate about?

The joint success story begins where the spark ignites.

Nicole Guido has been with Prospire since 2019. Following her studies in business administration and law as well as gaining a Swiss federal certification as an HR specialist, she started her career at the renowned executive search firm Knight Gianella in Zurich. For international clients in the financial and industrial sector, she searched for board level positions. After that - as a family woman with three children - she continued to advise companies on human resources topics.

During this time, she learned how to bring together people with different skills and experience and saw how important private experience and, above all, the personality is as part of the skills interplay.

Her holistic assessment also incorporates her know-how and experience as a nutrition and metabolism therapist - her second profession. The private passions of Nicole Guido, who sees herself as an active person, therefore includes creative cooking as wells as growing her own vegetables and herbs. For her culinary creations, she also produces her own olive oil on the Tuscany family estate.

get in touch with us

Nicole Guido,  Head Recruiting, Talent & Culture bei Prospire spricht mit Ihnen gerne über unseren Ansatz

Prospire AG | Tödistrasse 48 | CH-8002 Zurich | Switzerland
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